Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Bone Tired

(This photo is completely unrelated to the subject of today's post, but I'm trying to keep the photos coming. This is my and my oldest daughter when she was a baby. We are performing in a piece set on us and one other dancer which I performed with NEW ARTiculations in Tucson.)

Today (and yesterday) I hung flyers about our open house in various businesses in the area. I still have many more places to go, and it is SO tiring! In and out of the car, or walking long stretches in a plaza really wears a body out.

The response, however, has been uplifting. Several people have said they've already heard of us, and almost everyone is happy to have something posted (except big chain stores that have company regulations--another reason to go local!). For every moment I feel tired or overwhelmed, I have two moments of feeling great because someone's already heard about the Dance Barn, or is really excited we're coming to the area. I knew that word-of-mouth would be our best advertisement, but it's still really gratifying how quickly word spreads!


Nif said...

It's definitely all about word-of-mouth... and it's great that you're hanging the flyers yourself (exhausted feet notwithstanding) - gives folks a chance to look you over! Yay for the Dance Barn!

Unknown said...

That's awesome! How exciting:-)