Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Random Thoughts During Office Hours

REGISTRATION!!! It's been haunting me for weeks...I keep thinking about how to get the word out, how to encourage people to sign up, etc. I find myself alternately elated and on tenterhooks with anticipation for how this semester will go.

I had two people register today, and fielded several phone calls. It's very exciting to sign a new student up for class! As I see my class lists start to fill, I get more and more excited about the first full year of teaching and working for myself. It seems monumental.

It's very interesting to see which classes are filling and which are not (yet!). When I made my schedule, I had no framework for what would work, and so it was anyone's guess what classes would fill. We'll see how this fall pans out!

Mostly, though, I'm thinking about classes starting, and all the new students I'll be teaching, and I am just very excited about seeing everything I've been working towards coming together!


Anonymous said...

Here's to a fully booked semester!

Silvia said...

Hi Kelly! You might want to add a widget from blogger that allows people to easily follow your blog, and you can choose to show who's following as well. I have that on my blog--if you have questions, lmk.

And I have a question about the Nutcracker--don't see any info on that yet on the website--is it restricted to ballet students this time? And do the kids have to go to both rehearsals that are on the calendar? Thanks.