Tuesday, April 8, 2008


This is what I say in my head each time I get something accomplished. It seems like I say it a lot, so why do I feel like my list is still endless?

We got the door in, and my barn door genius (a friend who built beautiful barn doors for the space) has offered to repair the drywall, so if all goes as planned we can finish painting on Friday, lay the marley (dance floor) and maybe the rug on Saturday, and then it's a matter of decorating and preparing for the open house (APRIL 19th!!!!). I can't believe this is actually happening.

I spent today hanging more flyers, and I think I am done. I sent out press releases and am waiting to hear from newspapers (please call me!!!). And now we'll just see who shows up. Eleven days left...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Even if it doesn't feel like it, you are getting a lot done!