Monday, April 28, 2008

One down, 498 to go!

Projects, that is....the month of April has been full of things to do, but after the show this weekend, I only have the studio and farm to manage! Haha, "only."

This photo was taken backstage at my performance this weekend. Don't you love my Dance Barn advertising? I wear Dance Barn gear every day now. On Saturday, I took my kids to the Dogwood Parade in Charlottesville, and I almost didn't wear a studio shirt, but changed my mind at the last minute. When we arrived at the parade and settled into our spot, the woman next to me looked at my shirt and said, "Is that The Dance Barn in Stanardsville?"

"Why, yes it is," I replied. Good thing I wore the shirt!

But I digress. The performances this weekend went very well. We had a good turnout, and it was wonderful to dance on a big stage. I love the direction the dance scene in Charlottesville is taking these days. And I have loved being in rehearsal and working on these projects, but I am also really looking forward to having a little more time to spend on the studio and the farm and my family.

And speaking of the studio, classes start tomorrow!!! All classes except adult tap will go, which is great, especially for how relatively little advertising I did. Word of mouth has been fabulous. I've been so focused on the open house, but the start of classes is getting me really excited about where the studio is headed!

And remember, it's not too late to register for spring classes!


Anonymous said...

Yay for fabulous turnout for your classes!

Uccellina said...

Where can I get one of those fabulous shirts?