Sunday, April 13, 2008

The Last of the Big Projects

Sorry there's no photo today. I am blogging from the studio and there are no pictures on this computer. We are finishing the very last of the painting, and preparing to lay down the marley (dance flooring that rolls out over the sprung subfloor) and the rug in the lobby. Very exciting.

Last night was the closing performance of the UVA spring dance show, for which I choreographed a piece. It was a great show, and I was so proud of my dancers' performances this weekend. The whole process has been good for me as an artist, but I am also glad it's over. My focus has been split over the past few months, and as April winds down, and all the projects I am involved in come to a close, I am looking forward to just having the studio and the farm to manage.

We are seven days from the open house (APRIL just keeps getting closer!!) and I am feeling pretty good about everything. Although there will still be more work to do before summer, when people come in the door on Saturday, the place will look good. Pictures to follow!

And now, my youngest daughter has fallen asleep on me (the only reason I had time to sit down and blog at all) so I must lay her down and get back to work.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm glad the dance show went well. Ha! Only the studio and the're funny! =)