Friday, April 25, 2008

Quick Update

We just finished a demonstration class for Music Together classes that we want to hold here at the studio. It was a very small turnout, but a great class, and I hope we can generate a lot more interest for the fall (if not summer). It's a fabulous program and also something for parents to do with their kids when they are too young for our other classes.

Tonight and tomorrow night I am performing in Charlottesville. The piece I'm in is called 1101001LOSTINSTATIC101101110 and we are wearibng white unitards with binary code printed on them. It's going to be a great show! Come see UpRooted Dance Theatre this weekend!

Other than that, time flies, registrations keep trickling in, and we are off and running!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Music Together sounds fabulous!