Monday, April 7, 2008

The Door

Another unrelated photo: also from The Firebird, this is a picture of my oldest daughter chasing me around the stage before a dress rehearsal. On a side note, isn't that tree in the back the coolest?

So the carpenter will be okay, seven stitches later, and offered to come out next week or the week after to finish the job. We are T minus 12 days and counting, however, so Mr. T (my husband and co-owner of The Dance Barn (and para-parenthetically, it makes me giggle every time I think of him as Mr. T), for those who don't know him) and I are going to attempt to put in the door ourselves. We wanted to avoid this because even though we are pretty handy, we've never installed a door (it is pre-hung, but still) and it will just take us a lot longer than a professional.

It should be an adventure...I'll let you know how it goes (hopefully not too long from now!)

Also, coming soon...Before and After pictures of our space (well, Before and have to come to the Open House on April 19th to see the After!).

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Glad the carpenter's okay. Cool that he's willing to come back, but understandable that you want to get it done sooner rather than later. Good luck with the door. Let us know how easy/hard it was to do.... Looking forward to the in-progress pics.

And yes, that tree is cool!