Tuesday, April 1, 2008

The Confidence of Youth

This is me in my very first ever dance recital. I took from a woman named Miss Margot who taught at the local gymnastics place. I'm not sure what I was supposed to be, and all I remember from the show is playing Duck, Duck, Goose.

The next year I started taking ballet with the woman I studied with until I left for college. During my first year of ballet I would leap dramatically around my house wondering why my teacher didn't cast me as the lead in the recital. I told myself she probably didn't want to make the older girls feel bad by giving me a bigger role.


Anonymous said...

When I took ballet (age 4-7.5) I was always SURE that I was the best in the class. Of course, I was terrible.

Uccellina said...

I always knew I was the worst in the class. I was in college before I was able to enjoy it anyway.